COVID in Austin Update (July 5)

I hope everyone has had a nice holiday weekend.

A few news items that caught my eye:


State of Texas

As expected, with the holiday, the testing data is going to be weird.

On the state-level, the bottom fell out as we dropped to 3,449 new cases, the lowest in two weeks. Austin saw a similar drop yesterday, but given today’s local numbers, I’d bet the state’s numbers will spring back up tomorrow.

Hospitalizations set another new record at 8,181.

Travis County (Austin)

Yesterday’s 122 new cases was definitely related to the holiday as today we saw 548 new cases (5th highest).

New hospitalizations has not returned to Thursday’s record, but still very high: 59 new hospitalizations.

We’ve set new records with 446 in-patients with 72 of them on ventilators. Our ICUs were able to send a few people home, so that dipped down to 137.

I’m curious to see how the holiday weekend will impact that (people waiting longer to go into the ER and are going to be sicker when they get there? Maybe the holidays won’t have any obvious effect. 🤷‍♂️)




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