Random Musings by Kraft

  • a little help here

    I’m working on a lengthy paper looking at the problem of evil and I’ve ran into something simple that I can’t get past. I’m defining the connection between God and goodness. I’m stating the God is not above good because that would indicate that good/evil is arbitrary. Now here lies my problem: what’s a solid…

  • wise words of maure

    “Tis better to smell like melon than to smell like ass.” – Maure Rose Kennedy

  • Party Logic

    Marion was telling me about a party that her and Marie went to to celebrate Marie’s programming partner’s birthday. Programming partner implies CS major; which is correct. Marion was telling about all these things that made it a little different than a normal party- people gathering around the computer, people doing logic on the board,…

  • teen girl squad

    Kelly and I went to TGIFriday’s last night for a little dinner and saw the real-life Teen Girl Squad. There was a group of eight girls, probably in junior high. No way they were high school. It was just comical. It was one of the girl’s birthday and having a balloon tied to her wrist…

  • google! calculator

    Wow. I’m a Google fan now (and a nerd). Go to google and try any of these “searches” 2004 in roman numerals 20 moles in units sqrt(4)+(15*5)/5 That is awesome! I’ll probably run a few more posts with more cool google functions.

  • big 12 catholic conference

    Last night, a group of students from Kansas State University drove in to discuss a Big 12 Catholic Conference. The session had just shy of 20 UT students there to find out more and discuss the conference. My first observation about it all: K-State people are good people. It was a really enjoyable experience first…