Random Musings by Kraft

  • why meat?

    Since today is Friday, we’re all supposed to abstain from eating meat per church discipline. Well, I forgot and had some chicken today for lunch. Brandon Fischer mentioned that he believed that according to old Jewish law, chicken was not considered “meat” for things like that. My question is why meat? How did the Church…

  • chesterton on tradition

    “Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to that arrogant oligarchy who merely happen to be walking around.” – Orthodoxy by Chesteron

  • Something We Should Heed To

    To know whom to avoid is a great means of saving our souls. -St. Thomas Aquinas How true are these words? Birds of a feather flock together is another way to think about it. When we are doing things we shouldn’t, we usually end up hanging out with other people who shouldn’t. It’s true beyond…

  • the month of st. joseph

    “Change is always seen as a negative thing in our lives because it interferes with our level of comfortability. Might I suggest that we start to become comfortable with change.” -Most Rev. Gregory Aymond, Bishop of Austin, Ash Wednesday Homily 2004 The month of March is now upon us. This month is a big month.…

  • the passion of the christ

    Last night, I was able to watch Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ with Bishop Aymond of Austin along with about 130 other students and alumni of the University Catholic Center. To steal the words from Bishop Aymond: “Powerful… well-done… very faithful to the scriptures- he added a little here and there but overall,…

  • change coming

    It was made public today that Frs. Ruben and Frank are going to tranferred during the summer and another Paulist(s) will be coming into replace them. As Fr. Frank said during the 8 p.m. announcement, change is good in many cases and hopefully this will be a good change. Frs. Ruben and Frank have built…